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Barra Cantábrica - Extra Airy Bread

Barra Cantábrica - Extra Airy Bread

Pre-Baked, Ideal for Pan con Tomate

Item: BD-61 |

US Only |

All Natural

4 for $29.00



  • Ultra airy bread
  • Ideal for pan con tomate
  • About 16 inches long
  • Pre-baked in Lugo, Galicia
  • Bakes in 10 minutes
  • Size - 0.75 pounds

This delicate, airy bread is exceptionally light and crunchy. After ten minutes in your oven you will have freshly baked bread, ready for Spanish classics like pan con tomate or a bocadillo sandwich with jamón.

The thin, crisp crust of this bread surrounds a miraculous center filled with airy holes, and an elastic satisfying texture. The closest bread to our Barra Cantábrica is the famous Pan Cristal from Barcelona, which is so delicate that we had to stop offering it - it would break into pieces en route! Our Cantábrica bread is from a heartier Galician stock, very airy but not so fragile that it can't be shipped.

The secret to this amazing bread begins with the bakery in Galicia. Special local flour is kneaded with a portion of the previous batch of dough, passing on the authentic local yeast that makes the bread so airy and crunchy. In fact, the current "madre" traces its lineage back to the 1950s when the bakery first opened!

Barra Cantábrica bread is ideal for pan con tomate, the treasured breakfast bread rubbed with ripe tomatoes and garlic, and often topped with jamón. It is also excellent for a Spanish bocadillo sandwich - simply drizzle the bread with olive oil and fill with slices of Manchego cheese or sliced Serrano ham.

Our bread from Galicia is very easy to prepare. Just pop this partially baked bread into an oven preheated to 375°F, and bake for 10 minutes. Your house will fill with the aroma of great bread, ready to be served hot and crusty.

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