No tracking information is available right now - not to worry! Please check that the order ID was entered correctly, with no extra spaces or characters. If you just placed your order, it may take up to two hours for the status of your order to be updated. You will be alerted by email as soon as your order is shipped.

Order Tracking

Thank you for placing an order with La Tienda!
To track your order, please enter the Order ID and Billing Zip/Postal code located on your email receipt or order confirmation page.
Tracking information is only available after your order ships (typically 1-3 business days).

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

For additional help tracking your order, please contact Customer Care or the appropriate shipping carrier at the number listed below:

UPS: 800-742-5877

USPS: 800-275-8777

Customer Care: 800-710-4304