Chef View
Preheat oven to 300°F.
In a heavy saucepan scald cream, vanilla, brown sugar and spices. In a medium bowl, beat egg yolks and granulated sugar with electric mixer until pale yellow, thick and the sugar is dissolved. Very slowly pour cream mixture into yolk mixture while beating at lowest speed. Whisk in pumpkin and skim off any foam.
Carefully ladle 1/2 cup of the mixture into each cazuela and place in a large roasting pan. Pour very hot water into roasting pan until water level is 2/3 up the way up sides of the cazuelas. [Pro-tip: Place the roasting pan with the cazuelas on the shelf in the oven before ladling in mixture and adding water. It can be tricky moving the pan to the oven after adding the liquids.] Bake for approximately 40 minutes. Do not overbake, middles can still be a little "nervous." Remove from oven and allow to cool at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
Chill in the refrigerator overnight or for at least 3 hours before serving. Just before serving, evenly sprinkle the top of each crema with 1 tbsp of the raw sugar and caramelize with propane torch, 2-3 inches from broiler or traditional caramelizing iron until sugar is browned, glassy and bubbly. Allow to cool for a few minutes and serve.
Serve with a strong café con leche.