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September 2023
My mom used manteca añeja, which is what they called unto in Galicia, and is what gives the special flavor to the caldo gallego o pote. Grelos is the greens used, but I use collar greens here which is very similar, if not the same. For the unto, since we buy whole serrano hams, I cut the fat of the ham and let it age in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 months until it has de añejo flavor.
February 2021
Made this tonight. Used regular cabbage and it worked fine. Used new potatoes - also OK Yummy
February 2018
Sencillo y gustoso....”unto” untar verbo ...untar con aceite virgen o mantequilla o sherry de Jerez o aceitunas picada fina
February 2018
My favorite, which I fix every fall to get me through the winter and beyond. I just asked a friend in Spain and "unto" is animal fat or commonly know as lard. I use kale as the greens and it's fabulous if I must say so myself,
October 2017
I grew up eating Caldo Gallego, as my father was from a hamlet outside of Lugo. My mother, who was Puerto Rican, learned to make it from him. Both of them would make it relatively often and I always loved it. I now make it on my own, often adding my own touches (different greens and occasionally different meats). Good Spanish chorizo is a must, however.
March 2017
My mother made this all the time. It was a staple in our house especially in the winter. She used broccoli rabe for the greens because it was so much more readily available. I've made it couple of times successfully using pork belly. I would really like to use "unto" but don't know what that translates into in English and I can't seem to find it. I just remember what it looks like but have no idea what it actually is.
March 2017
My parents are from Galicia and made this hearty "potaje" often, they were from a small village near Chantada, Lugo, Galicia. The "greens" were always Collard greens and the meats included. chorizo, lacon (ham hocks), tocino (thick bacon slab), and "Unto" which is what makes caldo gallego, no unto no caldo gallego. You can find "unto" in Miami and New York.
October 2015
My abuela used kale and the results are great. Everyone is surprised that there isn't some chicken broth or other base to the soup. It's not the most attractive looking of dishes, but the taste more than makes up for it.
January 2015